Current LINC Agreement

LINC Committee Information

1. Term of the Agreement

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Term of Agreement between the Board of the Northwest School Division No. 203 (the Board) and the North West Teachers’ Association (the Association) shall be from September 1, 2022 to August 31, 2026.

2. Method of Payment

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2.1    Every permanent teacher shall have the option of being paid on a ten (10) month or twelve (12) month basis.

2.1.1   An application for change in pay periods must be made in writing to the Secretary-Treasurer by the fifth day of the new academic year, with the change to take effect with the September cheque.  Teachers new to the division shall notify the Secretary-Treasurer in writing by the fifth school day of the new academic year as to their choice of pay periods.

2.2    All permanent teachers who have selected a 12-month pay basis will be paid on the 22nd of each month or if this falls on a non-banking day, payment will be made on the last banking day prior to the 22nd.  This payment will be made by direct deposit to an account number provided by the teacher.

2.3    Teachers in their first year of teaching and in their first year of employment with the Northwest School Division No. 203 may, after five (5) days of employment, request and be granted an advance of up to $1000.00 on their first month’s salary.

2.4    Teachers who are hired for a portion of a school year to fulfill a contract shall be paid actual salary earned each month.

Teachers are encouraged to discuss leave options with the Superintendent of Human Resources in a timely manner to provide for maximum flexibility and benefit to the teacher and students and to allow for ongoing recruitment and hiring of the highest quality professional staff.

3. Bereavement/Compassionate Leave

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3.1       Upon request, the Board shall grant bereavement leave with pay as required for a period not to exceed five (5) teaching days to attend the death of a spouse (as defined by Canada Revenue Agency), child (child-in-law), grandchildren, sibling (sibling-in-law), parent (parent-in-law), grandparent (grandparent-in-law), uncle, aunt, nephew or niece.

3.2       A teacher shall be granted bereavement leave with pay for a period of one (1) teaching day to attend to the death of a relative or close friend.

3.3       Upon request, a teacher shall be granted compassionate leave with pay not to exceed three (3) days in the event of a serious illness of a spouse (as defined by Canada Revenue Agency), child (child-in-law), grandchild, sibling (sibling-in-law), parent (parent-in-law) or grandparent (grandparent-in-law).

4. Parenting Leave

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4.1.  Maternity leave, adoption leave and parenting leave shall be granted by the Board in accordance with the provisions contained in The Saskatchewan Employment Act and regulations made thereunder and the Provincial Collective Bargaining Agreement.

4.2.  A teacher shall be granted two (2) days off with pay, to be used within seven (7) calendar days of the birth of his/her child.

4.3.  A teacher shall be granted two (2) days off with pay to attend the adoption of a child.

4.4.  Teachers who wish to take more parenting leave, than the amount specified above, should apply for such extension under Section 5. Special Leave.

5. Special Leave

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The Director may grant a leave of absence with or without pay provided the teacher agrees to return to work in the Division at any school mutually agreed upon in writing prior to the leave.

6. Educational/Sabbatical Leave

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Leaves to enhance personal or professional growth may be granted under the following criteria:

6.1    Eligibility

A teacher must have two or more years of service with the Division.

6.2.  Deadlines

6.2.1. Leaves Effective with the Fall Term:

a) applications must be received by the Director no later than January 15;

b) the Director shall render a decision and inform the teacher by February 15;

c) the teacher shall confirm acceptance of the leave no later than March 1.

 6.2.2. Leaves Effective January 1 or the beginning of Semester 2:

a) applications must be received by the Director no later than September 15;

b) the Director shall render a decision and inform the teacher by October 15;

c)  the teacher shall confirm acceptance of the leave no later than November 1.

6.3    Terms

6.3.1. Leaves will generally be limited to no more than one (1) academic year in length.

6.3.2. A leave for a period longer than one (1) academic year may be approved to pursue a program of study that is greater than one year in length.

6.3.3. The teacher shall return to the service of the Division for at least two (2) academic years.  In the event that the teacher fails to provide two (2) years of service following the leave, allowances paid during the leave shall be returned to the Board.  Partial compliance will require a prorated refund to the Board.

6.3.4. The teacher, upon his/her return to the Division, shall be placed in any school in the Division mutually agreed upon in writing prior to granting of the leave.

6.4    Allowances

6.4.1. Educational Leave

Where the Director has approved the program of studies for an  Educational Leave, the teacher shall receive monthly pay of 50% of regular salary excluding supervisory or administrative allowances.

6.4.2.  Sabbatical Leave

Where a Sabbatical Leave has been approved for personal or professional growth of a general nature, the teacher shall receive monthly pay at the rate of 50% of regular salary excluding supervisory or administrative allowances for leaves up to five (5) months.  For leaves longer than five (5) months the rate of pay shall be 25% of regular salary excluding supervisory or administrative allowances.

6.5    Approval and Selection

6.5.1. Educational Leave

The Director may approve any application where the training is deemed to support the priorities of the Division.

6.5.2. Sabbatical Leave

Where more than one application has been received, a committee will be asked to recommend applicants for the Director’s consideration.  No more than four (4) names may be recommended.  The selection committee shall consist of three (3) teachers and three (3) superintendents, one of whom shall be the Superintendent of Human Resources who will chair the committee.

7. Deferred Salary Leave Plan

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7.1    Purpose

7.1.1. The purpose of a Deferred Salary Leave Plan is to provide a teacher with one (1) year leave of absence.

7.1.2. The duration of the Deferred Salary Leave Plans, inclusive of service and leave, are four (4) or five (5) contributory years and one (1) year leave of absence.

7.2    Eligibility

To qualify for a Deferred Salary Leave Plan, the teacher must have been on a continuous contract with the Northwest School Division No. 203 for a period of at least two (2) years immediately prior to entering the plan.

7.3.  Application

7.3.1. To enter the plan the teacher shall make written application to the Director not later than January 15th of the school year immediately preceding entry into the plan.

7.3.2. The Director shall notify the teacher of the decision by February 15th of the school year immediately preceding entry into the plan.

7.3.3. A maximum of four (4) teachers may enter the plan in any given year.  In the event that more than four (4) teachers apply within the same year, the teachers with the greatest teaching seniority with the Northwest School Division shall have priority.

7.4    Criteria

7.4.1. Upon acceptance into the plan by the Director, the Director shall arrange to have the deferred salary held in trust in an account with the school division.  Deferred salary deductions shall be made monthly by the Secretary-Treasurer and deposited into the designated account.

7.4.2. The percentage of net annual professional salary deferred to the plan shall be 25% for four (4) year terms or 20% for five (5) year terms.

7.4.3. The teacher shall notify the Director of the teacher’s intention to take a Deferred Salary Leave Plan leave of absence by January 15th of the year in which the said leave is to begin.

7.4.4. Deferred Salary Leave Plan leave of absence shall be granted and shall be taken for the year immediately following the deferred period.  The year of leave shall mean the twelve (12) month period commencing at the beginning of the school year.

7.4.5. The manner of payment to the participant shall be in monthly installments approximately equal to 1/12 of the monies held in the trust account and shall be paid out on the 22nd day of each month commencing in September in the year of the leave.

7.4.6. On return from the leave of absence, the teacher agrees to spend a minimum of one (1) school year in the employ of the Division at any school mutually agreed upon in writing prior to the leave.

7.5    Options of Cancellation or Postponement

7.5.1. A teacher may discontinue the Deferred Salary Leave Plan at any time by giving written notice to the Director no later than March 1st prior to the scheduled leave.  The amount of deferred salary accumulated shall be paid out to the teacher within sixty (60) days of notice to discontinue the plan.

7.5.2. In the event of the death of the teacher, the Board shall pay out the deferred salary amount to the teacher’s estate within sixty (60) days of receiving the necessary clearances and proofs normally required for payment to estates.

7.5.3. In the event of resignation or termination all monies accumulated in the Deferred Salary Leave Plan shall be paid to the teacher within sixty (60) days.

7.5.4. The Deferred Salary Leave may be postponed for one (1) year by mutual agreement between the teacher and the Director.

8. Negotiation Leave

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A teacher elected as a representative of the local bargaining committee shall suffer no loss in salary for time necessarily absent from the person’s regular duties for the purpose of participating in negotiations, mediation, conciliation and arbitration proceedings.

9. Executive Leave

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The North West Teachers’ Association shall be granted, upon request, leave of twenty (20) days per academic year to be shared amongst the Association’s Executive.  The Executive members who utilize these days will suffer no loss in salary or other benefits for time necessarily absent from their teaching duties. How these days are dispersed is at the discretion of the Association’s Executive.  Unused days cannot be carried forward to the following academic year. 

The North West Teachers’ Association may request up to five (5) additional days of Executive Leave subject to the approval of the Director of Education. The North West Teachers’ Association shall reimburse the Board for each day taken at the daily sub rate.

10. Recognition of Service/Personal Days

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10.1 Personal Day

All teachers shall be granted one (1) day off with pay for any reason during each school year subject to the approval of the principal.  Part-time teachers shall be granted a percentage of the day proportional to the percentage of contract time.

 10.2 Extraordinary Supervision

          10.2.1   The Board recognizes that Extraordinary Supervision by teachers is                         voluntary.

    10.2.2   The Board of Education shall grant all teaching and administrative                                    personnel who performs 30 minutes of Extraordinary Supervision per                                 week beyond those described in The Education Act, 1995 prior to and/or                         after school one (1) day off with pay subject to the approval of the principal                 in recognition of extraordinary time spent supervising. Part-time teachers                        shall be granted a percentage of the day proportional to the percentage of                   their contract.

10.3 Noon Hour Supervision

10.3.1    The Board recognizes that noon supervision by teachers is voluntary.

10.3.2    In recognition of service (ROS) provided by teachers who perform noon supervision of one hour per week the Director will award:

a)  two (2) days off per teacher for schools with four or more teachers;

b)  three (3) days off per teacher for schools with fewer than four teachers. 

10.3.3    Part-time teachers shall be granted a percentage of the day proportional to the percentage of their contract.

10.3.4    In recognition of the fact that consultations may encroach upon noon hours, the Director will award two (2) days off per school year for consultants and coordinators. Part-time consultants and coordinators shall be granted a percentage of the day proportional to the percentage of their contract.

10.4 Extra-Curricular Activities

Where a teacher is voluntarily involved in extra and co-curricular activities that require direct supervision and/or responsibility for students beyond instructional time, those hours will be applied toward recognition of service. The principal of the school will verify these hours.

10.4.1    A Teacher involved in extra-curricular and co-curricular activities may claim up to a maximum of sixteen (16) hours per day.  In recognition of these hours provided by teachers, the Director will award:

a) one (1) personal day with the accumulation of seventy (70) hours

b) a second personal day with the accumulation of one hundred and fifty (140) hours and;

c) a third personal day with the accumulation of three hundred (210) hours and;

d) Any teacher who accumulates more than thirty five (35) hours, but less than (70) hours in any given year may carry forward thirty five (35) hours for a maximum of one year. 

10.5 Conditions of Leave Requests

10.5.1.  Teachers who are granted a day(s) based on the criteria of Section 10 may request payment for the day(s) at a rate equivalent to substitute teacher pay.

10.5.2.  Teachers who are granted a day(s) based on the criteria of Section 10 may request an amount equivalent to substitute teacher pay, for any or all unused days, be transferred into his/her personal professional development account.

10.5.3.  Teachers who are granted a day(s) based on the criteria of Section 10 may arrange a day off with their principal. Request for leave must be made to the principal or supervisor at least one week in advance.  The date(s) of leave must be mutually agreed upon by the teacher and the principal or supervisor. The teacher must make adequate preparation, satisfactory to the principal, for the teacher’s classes and other normal duties prior to the commencement of the teacher’s leave. To ensure the safe, orderly, and effective operation of the school, the school principal may limit the number of teachers taking leave on a particular day.  The decision for leave will be dealt with on a first come, first served basis. The Board will provide teacher substitutes for any or all teachers under this section. The principal shall keep a monthly record of all teachers who have taken leave under this Section.

10.5.4.  Teachers may carry over a maximum of two (2) days to the following year.

Note: When options are not selected prior to June 1, any unused days beyond two (2) will trigger a transfer of the equivalent amount of money into the teacher’s professional development account.  However, a teacher may access the full amount in his/her professional development account at any time for professional development or for personal reasons.  If money is drawn for reasons other than direct application to a professional development expense, normal deductions will apply.

10.5.5.  Professional development accounts shall be established for each teacher in the Division. Teachers may direct ROS payments into this account. Teachers may direct their payout equivalents into their school’s general account.  Teachers leaving the division will receive a payout from their professional development account after all appropriate deductions have been made. When teachers are leaving the Division at times other than June 30, requests are to be submitted by the first of the month in which the teacher is leaving the employ of the Board.

11. Professional Development

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11.1   The Board shall allocate $350.00 per full-time teacher equivalent to each school for a professional development fund.  This professional development fund shall be administered as follows:

11.1.1    Expenditures from this fund shall be used for the provision of professional development opportunities.

11.1.2    Each school shall determine its own priorities, criteria, and guidelines for expenditures from this fund.

11.1.3    All applications for professional development financial assistance shall be submitted to and approved by the school principal and Director, or designate.

11.1.4    Surpluses will be carried over from one (1) year to the next in order to facilitate long term professional development planning.  The maximum accumulated carry-over is not to exceed the amount allocated for the current year unless approved by the Director.

12. Reimbursement for Travel

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Reimbursement to teachers, for Director authorized expenses, are to be the same as the maximum current Board rates.

13. Employment Insurance Reduction

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13.1   The teacher’s share (5/12) of the employment insurance premium reduction shall be refunded to the Association.

13.2   This annual payment shall be made prior to August 31st of each year.

13.3   The Board shall deduct local fees and convention fees from teachers’ payroll as directed by the Association.

14. Informal Meetings

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The Board is prepared to dialogue/discuss professional matters/LINC concerns/board policies with representatives of the North West Teachers’ Association.  Either party may initiate such a meeting to a maximum of four (4) meetings per year.

15. Dispute Resolution and Grievance

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15.1   A grievance shall be defined as any difference or dispute between the Board of Education and the teachers with respect to the interpretation, application, effect or scope of this agreement.

15.2   Resolution processes shall be consistent with the principles and procedures outlined in Good Practices and Dispute Resolution: The Report of the Joint Committee of the Parties to the Provincial Collective Bargaining Agreement.

15.3   The teacher(s) involved in the dispute shall attempt to seek information and clarification by contacting either members of the North West Teachers’ Association LINC or the Superintendent of Human Resources, or both.

15.4   If after such discussion the dispute still exists, the teacher(s) involved shall refer the dispute to the LINC chairperson.  The LINC chairperson shall gather information and meet with the teachers involved within fifteen (15) calendar days of receiving the complaint.  The LINC chairperson, in consultation with the Superintendent of Human Resources, shall make an interpretation regarding the dispute.  The LINC chairperson shall make their interpretation known within fifteen (15) calendar days of meeting with the teacher(s).

15.5   If a dispute still exists it shall be resolved in accordance with the provisions in The Education Act, 1995. 

16. Advertised Vacancies in the System

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Notification of all school administrative, supervisory, and temporary, replacement, or continuing contract teaching position vacancies shall be sent to each school principal to be posted in the school staff room while the position is being advertised.

17. Salary for Substitute Teachers

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17.1   Substitute teachers shall be paid:

2022-2023  $270.00 per day

August 1, 2023 - December 31, 2023  $270.00 per day

January 1, 2024 - June 30, 2024 $280 per day

2024-25  $285.00 per day

2025-26 $290 per day for the first five (5) consecutive days. 

17.2   Once service exceeds five (5) consecutive days in the same position, the teacher shall be paid according to qualifications and experience, retroactive to the first day.

18. Retirement Gratuity

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18.1   Teachers who have taught for the Northwest School Division No. 203 for a minimum of ten (10) years shall receive a Retirement Gratuity of $2700.00.  This service includes service in the previous Battle River, Paynton, Meadow Lake and Turtleford School Divisions and the Sub-Division of Glaslyn from the former Northern Lakes School Division.

18.2   Teachers from the former Battle River School Division who are eligible for an Early Retirement Allowance will not be eligible for this Retirement Gratuity.

18.3   A teacher shall make application to the Director for the Retirement Gratuity at least six (6) months prior to the date the teacher intends to commence retirement and no later than December 31 of the school year in which the teacher intends to retire.  This application shall be accompanied by a letter of resignation with an effective date to coincide with commencement of retirement.

19. Special Allowances

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19.1   Consultants shall receive an allowance in addition to basic salary which shall be 10% of their basic salary.

19.2   Coordinators shall receive an allowance in addition to basic salary which shall be 15% in the first year and 20% in the second year, of basic salary.

19.3   The local Agreement shall be reopened at the request of either party to establish allowances for central staff administrators who may be in-scope and other personnel for whom this agreement has not made provisions.

20. Preparation Time

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Preparation time is defined as unassigned time within the school year as set out in The Education Act, 1995. This time in which the teacher is not required to be involved in planned professional development or in-service activities and is not performing instructional or supervisory tasks involving direct interaction with students.

A target of 5% to 7% of the annual teaching assignment shall be allocated to individual teachers prep time. Allocations for prep time shall be applied to full-time and part-time teachers at a rate proportional to each teacher’s percentage contracts of employment.

The assignment of prep time may be less than 5% in schools where administration, in joint agreement with an individual staff member, determines creative and practical ways to meet the needs of their teachers and school.

Signing Page

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Signing Date: March 5, 2024

Signed on Behalf of the Northwest School Division Board of Education:

Glen Winkler, Board Chair
Duane Hauk, Director
Charlie McCloud, Chief Financial Officer
Davin Hildebrand, Deputy Director

Signed on Behalf of the North West Teachers’ Association:

Anita Hamm, LINC Chair
Brent Keen
Desiree Klarner
Allison Powell

Letter of Understanding

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Re: Early Retirement Allowance for teachers of the former Battle River School Division No. 60


In reaching a negotiated settlement of one collective bargaining agreement between The Board of Education of the Northwest School Division No. 203 and the North West Teachers’ Association, the parties agreed to continue an “Early Retirement Allowance” for those teachers previously covered by the Battle River Collective Agreement to whom the benefit applied subject to the following conditions:

1)                  To be eligible for the allowance a teacher must have a minimum of ten years of active service, under a continuous contract as a teacher, prior to June 30, 2006, in a school administered by the former Battle River School Division No. 60.

2)                  At the time of retirement the teacher must have a minimum of 30 years service in a Canadian School where the corresponding provincial curriculum is taught.

3)                  For purposes of calculating the allowance, as outlined in Section 6 (a), only years of service prior to June 30, 2006 will be used.

4)                  Years of service are defined as active full-time or equivalent to full-time years.

5)                  Teachers who had ten years of service with the former Battle River School Division prior to June 30, 2006, and who later transfer to a Northwest School Division school beyond the boundaries of the former Battle River School Division will continue to be eligible for the Early Retirement Allowance in accordance with the above.

6)                  Upon early retirement, should a teacher choose that option, an early retirement allowance will be payable with the amount to be calculated as follows:

a.           5% X years of service (accumulated to June 30, 2006) to a maximum of 60% X total years of service/30 X last annual salary; and

b.          The allowance will be adjusted as follows:

30 years service – 100% of allowance            33 years of service – 60% of allowance

31 years service - 90% of allowance              34 years service – 50% of allowance

32 years service - 80% of allowance              35 years service – no allowance

It is further understood that the teacher shall make application to the Board at least six months prior to the date the teacher intends to commence early retirement.  This application shall be accompanied by a letter of resignation with an effective date to coincide with the commencement of retirement.

Early Retirement Allowances shall be paid over a period of two years with 60% of the allowance being paid in the first year and 40% in the second year.

The method of payment of the Early Retirement Allowance shall be the same as that of teachers under contract as outlined in Article 2 of the Local Agreement between The Board of The Northwest School Division No. 203 and The North West Teachers’ Association.

LOU Signing Page

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Signing Date: June 19, 2019

Signed on Behalf of the Northwest School Division Board of Education:

Faith Graham, Board Chair
Barb Seymour, Board Vice-Chair
Duane Hauk, Director
Charlie McCloud, Chief Financial Officer
Davin Hildebrand, Superintendent of Human Resources

Signed on Behalf of the North West Teachers’ Association:

Al Maier, LINC Chair
Jeffrey Walso
Anita Hamm
Tana Deibert
Edward Edmonds
Alan Robins